On behalf of the Board of Directors, staff and myself, welcome to the Nilphamari Chamber of Commerce and Industry website. I encourage you to bookmark our site and check back often to stay apprised of Chamber events and other news. We are watching how fast the world is changing. Communication methodology gives us a new dimension of economical view. We are trying to construct our mission by the view of digital age. The mission of Nilphamari Chamber of Commerce and Industry is to represent, serve and connect our approximately 1200 members to build and sustain a thriving business community. Advocacy, Benefits for our members, and connecting (networking) are our main focus. Advocacy is one role the Chamber plays. We work hard to understand the issues affecting your business, and we lobby on your behalf to all levels of government. Our committee is made up of engaged members who further explore issues and develop policy and position papers that make recommendations for change. Our knowledgeable and helpful staff can show you the growing list of members. We hold an Annual General Meeting, Yearly trade show, International business tour and Business Excellence Awards. Your membership gives you many different ways to promote yourself and make critical connections to further grow and develop your business. If you are new to the Chamber, please remember, the greater your involvement, the bigger the return on your investment. It takes time to understand all that the Chamber can do for your operation and to make connections with local business and community leaders. I encourage you to remain engaged and seriously consider participation in Nilphamari Chamber of commerce and Industry. I am pleased and honored to be your President at this exciting time of growth for our Country. We welcome your feedback and look forward to hearing from you during the year. You, our members, are the foundation of Nilphamari Chamber of commerce and Industry and together we will continue to be “The Voice of Business”